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Controversial family detention center may expand

Commissioners in Williamson County are considering adding as many as 250 immigrant women to the population held at the T. Don Hutto detention center in Taylor, Texas. The women will be detained there along with about 250 other women and children who are awaiting hearings and possible deportation for being in violation of legal immigration status. The county’s decision follows the close of an FBI investigation into an alleged rape of a female detainee by one of the guards at the privately operated facility. The guard was fired, but the investigation ended in June with no finding of criminal activity.In early January, Commissioner Ron Morrison, who’s district is home to the detention center, predicted the county may not renew the contract it has with Corrections Corporation of America when it was up for renewal next January.

When the reporters maintaining this blog were in Williamson County conducting interviews for our master’s project, Morrison said the county “may likely get out of the deal. It is not something we’re excited about. ”

Morrison said the county might explore a way for the facility to remain open through an Intergovernmental Agreement between ICE and CCA, noting that “if it goes from Taylor, its not going away, it goes somewhere else. It will go to another facility.”

It appears the county decided to keep the facility and the jobs it brings.

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